Critically clean processing equipment, whether it be labware, glassware, instrumentation, or processing and extraction equipment, is vital. The potency, purity and quality, essential characteristics of any drug, rely on critically clean surfaces. The cannabis industry presents many very specialized and potentially difficult cleaning challenges, from the laboratory all the way through sophisticated large-scale commercial manufacturing processes. Waxy, resin, oily and sticky residues abound which can be highly adherent, difficult to emulsify, and just a plain challenge to remove.
Aqueous detergents that are not only effective, but end-user safe, aqueous, free-rinsing, interfering residue-free, biodegradable, and without any added dyes, fragrances, brighteners or softeners provide an efficient and safe solution. Non-hazardous, aqueous cleaning solutions from Alconox Inc. help to maintain the whole reason why cannabis and its natural state is sought after.
Alconox Inc. has been in labs and processing facilities for decades. To no surprise, we are being used for cleaning of cannabis manufacturing and laboratory residue across the globe. For an in-depth look into the critical cleaning of cannabis and botanical residues, download our TechBrief and read about the commonly used Alconox Inc. detergents below.
- Detonox®: The flagship alkaline detergent for the difficult cannabis, botanical, CBD and other oils and residues to be removed in ultrasonic cleaning, scrubbing and soaking.
- Alcojet®: Powdered alkaline cleaner for lab scale washers.
- Alconox®: A precision cleaner, powdered detergent used for laboratory equipment.
- Liquinox®: Liquid concentrate, general use cleaner, phosphate-free
- Tergazyme®: For cleaning biologic buildup in irrigation cleans and other organic and proteinaceous residues.
- Keylajet®: High Alkaline Low-foaming detergent for automated large scale washers and clean-in-place operations for the most challenging cannabis and botanical residues.
For detergent selection guidance please review our Detergent Selection Guide.
To learn more about our approach to Critical Cleaning in the Cannabis industry, watch the educational webinar below.