In precision manufacturing, surfaces free of interfering residues are critical to processes and quality. Alconox Inc. detergents provide manufacturers easy-to-use, biodegradable agents for precision manufacturing applications such as cleaning oil from machine rollers, removing mold-release agents from plastic parts, cleaning stampings and castings, and many more. Almost any glass, plastic, metal, rubber, or porcelain surface can be safely, effectively and economically cleaned with an Alconox Inc. detergent.
Alconox Inc. cleaners for applications from plasma lasers to aluminum parts:
- Citrajet® – Low-foaming detergent that cuts through surface oils to brighten and remove oxides, scales and corrosion from brass, copper, and stainless steel.
- Citranox® – Removes everything from cutting oils to trace impurities from precision parts.
- Luminox® – Use for cleaning aluminum in parts washers and other low foaming applications.
- Solujet® – Low-foaming, superior surfactant system detergent for high-efficiency oil removal. Rinses freely to an interfering residue-free surface.
- Alconox®: Powdered immersion and manual cleaner for oily residues, lubricants.
- Alcojet®: Powdered low-foaming detergent for washers.
- Tergajet®: Phosphate-free, powdered low-foaming detergent for washers.
- Liquinox®: Phosphate-free liquid cleaner for immersion and manual cleaning of oily residues, lubricants.
- Keylajet®: High alkaline low-foaming detergent for heavy soiling, oxidation.
For detergent selection guidance please review our Detergent Selection Guide.
Learn more about our approach to Critical Cleaning for 3D Printing Precision Manufacturing in our TechBrief below.