RO membrane cleaning with Alconox Inc. filter membrane cleaners returns filter membranes to full flux, even with difficult biofouling or complex, mixed foulant residues. Membrane fouling control is easy with Alconox Inc. filter cleaners for desalination, reverse osmosis (RO) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane and module filter cleaning.
From the early days of filter membrane development, Alconox Inc. filter cleaners have been there to provide compatible and reliable membrane cleaning on even the most difficult filter foulants.
- Alconox®: Restores flow rates without hazardous caustics.
- Alcojet®: Powdered low-foaming detergent for washers.
- Liquinox®: Phosphate-free liquid cleaner for immersion and manual cleaning of organic and oily residues.
- Citrajet®: Low-foaming enhanced citric cleaner for difficult scales and silts.
- Citranox®: Enhanced citric cleaner for difficult scales and silts during filter cleaning.
- Tergazyme®: Enzyme active biofouling filter cleaner.
- Solujet®: Alkaline, liquid concentrate low-foaming general purpose filter cleaner.
- Detojet®: Alkaline, liquid concentrate, low-foaming oxidizing detergent
For detergent selection guidance please review our Detergent Selection Guide.