
Shipping and Return Policy


What methods of payment does ALCONOX INC. accept for online orders?

You can purchase by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, or American Express (American Express for US orders only)). If you wish to purchase on open account, please contact us at


Can I cancel an order after it has been submitted?

You can cancel an order if it has not yet been processed by contacting an ALCONOX INC. Customer Service Representative at 1-914-948-4040.

Can I add items to an existing order?

No, you may not add additional items or change the quantity of items in a submitted order. If you would like to add items, please place a new order.

How will my order be confirmed?

ALCONOX INC. will send an email confirming we have received your order once it’s been placed. We will also send an email when your order has shipped. Please provide an accurate email address so you receive these important messages about your order.

When will I receive my order?

ALCONOX INC. generally ships orders within 3 business days for products that are in stock. Depending on your shipping preference, your order should arrive within 7 – 10 business days. For urgent orders, please call us at 1-914-948-4040 for assistance before ordering.

What if I have a problem with my order?

For a problem with an online order, contact an ALCONOX INC. Customer Service representative at 1-914-948-4040

Can I return a product or an entire order?

If the return is made within 30 days of the order, items may be returned for credit unless flagged as a non-returnable item. The item may be subject to a restocking fee. For information regarding returns, please call us at 1-914-948-4040.

How can I order an item that is not available for purchase online?

If you would like to purchase an item that is not available online, please contact

Will my purchase be taxed?

Sales tax will be based upon the Ship-To-Location specified on the order. The applicable sales tax will be included in the order total. If you are tax exempt, contact ALCONOX INC. Customer Service at 914-948-4040 and mail a copy of your resale or tax exempt certificate to

Can I use my UPS or FedEx account number to pay the shipping charges on my ALCONOX INC. orders?

Yes, ALCONOX INC. offers a freight collect option as part of the checkout process. Simply choose your shipping method and then enter your FedEx or UPS account number in the field provided.


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