


Oxidizing acid additive for glass cleaning

Catalog Number: N/A Brands: ,

Concentrated inorganic persulfate based additive to sulfuric acid to make a metal-free and surfactant-free glassware cleaner. It is a nonmetallic, non-carcinogenic, and easier to dispose replacement for chromic acid.  

Learn more about this Nochromix replacement.


Excellent for cleaning glassware used in tissue culture, trace metal, and enzyme kinetics research; as well as other sensitive glass cleaning applications.

Pour 1-2 pouches of ALNOCHROMIX™ crystals into 98% concentrated sulfuric acid container (2.5L or 1gal capacity).  Note, ALNOCHROMIX is identical to NOCHROMIX® from Godax Laboratories.

Size Catalog Number
1 box 10 x 3.1 oz (87 g) pouches 2510
4 boxes of 10 x 3.1 oz (87 g) pouches 2540

Concentrated inorganic persulfate based additive to sulfuric acid to make a metal-free and surfactant-free glassware cleaner. It is a nonmetallic, non-carcinogenic, and easier to dispose replacement for chromic acid.  

Learn more about this Nochromix replacement.


Excellent for cleaning glassware used in tissue culture, trace metal, and enzyme kinetics research; as well as other sensitive glass cleaning applications.

Pour 1-2 pouches of ALNOCHROMIX™ crystals into 98% concentrated sulfuric acid container (2.5L or 1gal capacity).  Note, ALNOCHROMIX is identical to NOCHROMIX® from Godax Laboratories.

Size Catalog Number
1 box 10 x 3.1 oz (87 g) pouches 2510
4 boxes of 10 x 3.1 oz (87 g) pouches 2540

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