
Inhibitory Residue Test

To pass state water, microbiology and environmental lab inspections, you must show that the detergents you are using to wash lab glassware will pass an inhibitory residue test with results showing that there are no inhibitory effects or that any such effects are eliminated during routine washing. The testing is required by National Environmental Laboratory Conference (NELAC) under their National Environmental Lab Accreditation Program (NELAP), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and many state accreditation agencies. Typically the inhibitory residue testing is required to be performed and documented whenever a lot or washing method is changed. The method for the inhibitory residue test is specified in “Standard Methods in Water and Wastewater Analysis.”

Please click on a link below to view a PDF version of any brand-specific Inhibitory Residue Test. Please note, the PDF will be displayed in a new secondary browser window upon selection. If you are utilizing Popup Blocking software on your system we recommend disabling it at this time.

Alconox Inc. performs and documents the Alcojet detergent inhibitory residue test annually on a master lot number for each year.


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